Update On This Blog

October 19, 2014 · 5 comments

For anyone who’s been following me for the past 6+ years on this blog, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the content updates have dropped off considerably. Part of that is by design — we’ve been doing a lot of blogging over at The Scott Pad — and part of that is based on the fact that we’re so completely swamped with work and life that we just haven’t had much time to keep up the blogging here.

I’ve decided that I’m going to leave the site as documentation of our first 50 flips, but now that we’re closer to 100 projects and have fallen behind in our documentation, I’m going to leave it at that. I have a feeling that what’s happened since our first 50 isn’t nearly as interesting as our first 50, so hopefully nobody will be too disappointed that we’re not documenting every project anymore. Also, over the past year, we’ve started doing a lot of new stuff — wholesaling some deals, partnering on a lot of deals, lending on deals, rental properties, etc. — so keeping up with everything would take a lot of time.

I do plan to keep updating the site with new articles, information about me and our business, industry announcements, etc. And, I have a feeling that when things start to slow down again, I’ll find a way to repurpose this site to include new educational information and content. In the meantime, I hope that new readers will take advantage of the thousands of blog posts, articles and other content that has been populated here over the past 6 years.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!

5 responses to “Update On This Blog”

  1. P Dean Addison says:

    I found your blog looking for information on Fannie Mae’s fraudulent practices. I purchased a FM foreclosure in Aug. 2012 to discover shortly after closing the home had a severe mold problem. I was never able to live in the home. Over the course of two years I found out not only did they know about the mold, they took steps to conceal their knowledge. I’m currently working with an attorney against FM and could use any help

    finding anyone else in my situation. If anyone had specific knowledge of failure to disclose practices on FM’S part would be most helpful. Could be totally anonymous if need be.

  2. J Scott says:

    Dean –

    I’ve seen many FM houses with issues that I suspect FM knew about (everything from termites to mold to foundation issues). The problem is, it can be very difficult to prove that they knew, and even if you could, they have deep enough pockets that it would probably be extremely expensive to fight them. You’re probably better off going after the real estate agent (the listing agent) — it can generally be easier to prove that he/she knew about the issue (though circumstantial evidence will likely not be enough), and if you can prove that, the listing agent may be able to help you against FM.

    Sorry I don’t have better information, but I suspect this is a not-too-uncommon situation…unfortunately…

  3. T Fortune says:

    NOOO! I’m sad to hear that but completely understand…I honestly don’t know how you’ve managed to put the time into this that you have!

  4. Rick Toney says:

    I enjoy reading your ideas on our business. Good work!!!

  5. Ashley says:

    I hope all is well with business and life but you blog is truly missed. Very insightful and I still refer to your old posts.

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