The WI-4 House: Before Pics
Here are some BEFORE pictures of The WI-4 House…these pictures are from the MLS listing for the house (I haven’t seen the house at the time this is written), so they aren’t as good as what you might expect here on the blog…sorry!

Just like the houses in Michigan… Can’t wait for the after……..
Hey George,
I have a feeling the after on this one isn’t going to be too much different. We’ll probably replace all the flooring (perhaps nice hardwoods), upgrade the kitchen, replace the paneling with sheetrock, and then some other basic stuff…but that’s about it!
Hey J,
One of the houses I just bought has similiar looking wood paneling. I was planning on having it painted white…Do you think putting sheetrock up makes it look radically better than just painting? Trey
Hey Trey,
Sheetrock is definitely much better looking than painted paneling. But, the bigger question will be the price ranges (and competition) of the house. In my case, we’ll be reselling for nearly $300K, so we can’t really skimp. If this were a $100K house I was doing in Atlanta, I’d probably do what you’re planning to do…
Hey J, dont forget to call me about looking at foundation… I have him cutting out a floor for a new bathroom tomorrow… Also, If you need to get rid of those brutal appliances in this one let me know:)
Will call you tomorrow. And the stove and fridge are all yours (you can even keep the pudding and jello)! Will give you the lockbox code…