The First Rental: Before Pictures
Here are some BEFORE pictures of The First Rental:

Front of House

Living Room (and Front Door)

Dining Room (from Living Room)


More Kitchen

Kitchen Pantry (To Be Half Bath)

Dining Room (from Kitchen)

Bedroom #1

Bedroom #2

Bedroom #3

Only Bathroom

Other Side of Only Bathroom


More Basement

Even More Basement
i love wooden toilet seats!!! lol
Looks good so far
Cant wait to see the after pixs
Thanks for all you do
Mark brogan
Sweet! Market rent or section 8? What are your plans for the kitchen? That’s where I don’t know which way I’d go as far as a rental… is the demand with renters such as you’d need a nice kitchen like with a flip?
Did you make the 2% rule?
Hey Christina,
Thinking Section 8 right now, as I think we can get a slight premium and wouldn’t have to finish the basement. As for the kitchen, keep it the same, but replace the cabinets, countertops and fixtures. Also, that pantry in the back of the kitchen may turn into a 1/2 bath. Don’t think we’ll make the 2% rule after the rehab costs are added in, but won’t be too far off.
Stay tuned…I plan to write a VERY detailed thread about this property on
Sounds like about the same rehab we put on most of our rentals except that our average cost is closer to 20k. I’ll be curious to see where you are able to save the $.