The Red Garage House: Before Pics
Here are some BEFORE pictures of The Red Garage House:

Front of House

Living Room

More Living Room


Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom

Second Bedroom

Third Bedroom

Here are some BEFORE pictures of The Red Garage House:
Front of House
Living Room
More Living Room
Master Bedroom
Master Bathroom
Second Bedroom
Third Bedroom
You should consider getting a wider angle lens for your camera to take more in of your rehabs.
Im not sure if im blind or not but this house doesn’t look like there is nothing major except for a good clean up and a fresh paint job so im amaze how you got it for more then 50% off the asking price. This is an amazing deal if thats all that was wrong with it. Can you explain
Hey Esteban –
This was a small rehab, but certainly more than just paint…
Here is a detailed list of the stuff we did in this house: