The Next-Door House: Before Pics
Here are some BEFORE pictures of The Next-Door House:

Front of House

Entryway / Landing

Living Room

From Living Room to Kitchen


Kitchen / Eat-In Area

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom Vanity

Master Bath Shower/Tub

Guest Bedroom (1 of 3 Bedrooms Upstairs)

Upstairs Main Bathroom

Basement Living Room

Basement Bedroom (1 of 2)

Basement Half-Bath


Back of House / Yard
Your website is really inspiring, thank you for making it!
p.s And Isn’t this house 41 rather than 40?
Hi Andy –
Thanks! And yes, this is House #41…did I write that it was House #40 somewhere?
Yes if you click on house pics.
Thanks Again
Andrew –
Got it…thanks!!!
Wow, J, what’s there to do in the way of rehab here? These look like “AFTER” pictures for some of the jobs I’ve looked at in my area. What kind of profit do you think you can book on a wholesale vs. rehab scenario?
Hey Brian,
There is a lot of cosmetic work on we’d do on this house. Paint inside and out, all new flooring, all new cabinetry/countertops, all new light fixtures, all new plumbing fixtures, new doors, new appliances, rebuild the front porch, repair the gutters, etc. Probably on the order of $25K for a retail rehab.
In terms of profit, we’d like to make $20K as a retail rehab or $15K as a wholesale deal.
Hello Mr. J Scott,
May I ask how you found this property? It seems as though you purchase 90-95% of your property’s from the banks (REO’s) Correct? Forgive me if you have already posted this somewhere..
Thanks for all of your help!
Hi Gary –
This property was actually a short sale. We put our offer in back in September and got bank approval for the sale just a few days before we purchased it.
Until this year, pretty much everything we’ve purchased was REO…but since the beginning of this year, we’ve actually purchase a lot more short sales than REOs…
Interesting… I also read your direct mail campaign… Were you successful in finding a deal yet?
Hi Gary,
We have several short sale leads from our direct mail campaign, all of which are still waiting for approval from the lender. We haven’t closed anything yet, unfortunately, but that’s the nature of short sales these days — they take a long time!
Okay! It appears at least in my market (Houston, tx) that short sales are drying up a bit… As they always say jump in when everyone else is jumping off! How many offers per day/week/month do you think you have been averaging as of late?
Hey Gary,
Short sales are dropping off pretty quickly where I am also. These days, we’re only putting in an offer every 1-2 weeks or so…compared to an average of an offer per day earlier in the year. That said, we’re only going after the really good deals, and we’re getting about 50% of them by offering the listing agent our half of the commission. Listing agents generally make very little money on short sales (the price is lower than retail and they generally get less than 3%), so doubling up on the commission is a big incentive for them.
Looks like you have had great success over the years. If you could do it all over again, would you jump into this business at the present time. Is business getting better, etc. I am thinking about getting into flipping in the Texas area. All advice welcomed.
A Johnson –
It’s always a good time to be jumping into this business. Just make sure you do your research on your area and don’t be in too much of a hurry to find a deal — but when you do, jump on it!
Forgive my ignorance but how does offering the agent more commission help you to get the property? After the seller accepts the offer, doesn’t it just go to the seller’s lender who have the ultimate say? How does the agent infuence this? (I am asking because my realtor just showed me a short sale property)
Hi Sandra,
The agent can certainly help in the first part of the process (getting their client to accept your offer) and then throughout the short sale process, we’ve found that the more motivated the listing agent is to get the deal done, the more likely it will get done. For example, the listing agent can often influence the BPO, but they need to be willing to work hard, make phone calls and be the squeaky wheel. That’s what we rely on.