The Mirror House: Before Pics
Here are some BEFORE pictures of The Mirror House:

Front of House


Dining Room

Living Room (from Dining Room)

Living Room (from Front Door)

Master Bedroom

Master Closet Area

Secondary Bedroom

Secondary Bedroom

Master Bathroom

More Master Bathroom

Guest Bathroom

Laundry Room

Exterior Garage

Back of House

There may be a ghost in the mirror. It’s saying, “you must have me at any price.”
So what was the story with this house? Was it a wholesale deal? I ask because 91 days is a long time to make $4,800.
Hey Josh,
Yup, this was a wholesale deal. We didn’t touch the house between the time we purchased it and sold it (though we had a contract on it quickly). While $4800 might seem like a small profit (and it is), consider that the return on investment was about 13% and the annualized return was over 50%. I don’t know too many investors who wouldn’t do a deal with those kinds of returns and essentially no work involved.