House #41: Officially Ours / Pics

November 24, 2012 · 4 comments

We closed on the purchase of The Rent-Back House last week…

While we could easily rehab this one and resell it for a nice profit, we’ve decided to try wholesaling it first. There isn’t a lot of inventory in this area and investors are pretty desperate to find houses. So, we figured that if we could earn almost as much wholesaling as we could rehabbing, we might as well give it a try. We listed the house for sale yesterday (to cash buyers only) and have already gotten several calls. If we get it sold, great! If not, we’ll be happy to do a rehab and resell it to a retail buyer when we’re done.

Here are some BEFORE pictures of the house:


4 responses to “House #41: Officially Ours / Pics”

  1. Joe White says:

    This house is being sold as is?

  2. J Scott says:

    Hi Joe –

    Yes it is…

  3. thomas phill says:

    Thanks for your blog Scott, I enjoy reading it.
    I would like to know, how do you get an idea on what to put paint color or kitchen design on the house you purchase. Do you have background in interior or you just learn as you go ? Do you ask the contractor their opinion or not ? Thanks !

  4. J Scott says:

    Hi Thomas,

    For paint colors, we use the same color in every house, so that makes it very easy. In terms of things like kitchen design, we’ll generally stick with the original design of the house unless there is something about it that is really bad. Then, we’ll either figure out what we think our buyers would want or we’ll occasionally bring in a designer to help if we’re having trouble coming up with ideas. I have no background in interior design, but wife has a very good eye for those kinds of things. We rarely ask our contractors for their opinion, as they generally aren’t any better at design than I am.

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