From the category archives:

House #3 – SOLD

Update for 10/8/2008

October 8, 2008

A general update on everything going on with the houses and the continued search for more properties: House #1: The Corn House We’re about a week behind schedule on this project (my very first project), but we’re getting down to the wire. Yesterday, we started staging the interior, and today we’ll be finishing staging and […]

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House #3: Demo is Underway

September 25, 2008

(Since you’re all here for the pictures anyway, you might as well start with them) We kicked off the rehab on The Second Chance House the other day, and are already making great progress. The key to this project is the redesign of the shared living space in the house, including the kitchen, dining room, […]

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House #3: Rehab Estimates

September 24, 2008

We finally got The Second Chance House underway yesterday (no comment on whether we actually own it or not), and I’m really looking forward to this project. I expect that house will turn out to be one of the nicest in its 200 property subdivision, and hopefully it will be able to attract some buyers, […]

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What Are Banks Thinking?

September 23, 2008

I wrote a nice little congratulatory post to myself last Friday about finally closing on The Second Chance House…unfortunately, it appears that my post was a bit premature. While I showed up to the closing, signed a bunch of papers, ensured that my funds were deposited in escrow, and smiled pleasantly for over an hour, […]

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Update for 9/22/2008

September 22, 2008

With so much going on these days, I thought I would just post another general update on everything going on… House #1: The Corn House The Corn House is coming along nicely, after 5 weeks of rehab work. While technically the rehab was scheduled to finish this past Friday, I had pulled the contractors off […]

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House #3: Finally Closed

September 19, 2008

It’s taken nearly five weeks, but I was finally able to close on The Second Chance House today. Closing has been pushed back several times — it was originally scheduled for August 29 — and all parties involved have been getting a little frustrated. But, I’m meeting my GC first thing Monday morning, and I […]

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House #3: Going to Closing

September 10, 2008

It’s a week and a half past the contractual closing date on The Second Chance House, and the bank finally got clear title and the go-ahead to close. In the past two weeks, two other things have happened: It appears someone came in and stole the air conditioning unit from the property. While my purchase […]

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House #3: Scope of Work

August 26, 2008

With The Second Chance House past its due diligence period (and thus almost officially mine), I’ve spent the past few days walking through the property with my wife and putting together a Scope of Work that will be used to convey details of the project to my contractors. This is likely going to be a […]

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House #3: Some Details

August 20, 2008

The Second Chance House finished its due diligence period yesterday, so it’s officially too late to back out of this one. While I wasn’t able to get my Scope of Work completed for this one just yet — and therefore wasn’t able to get contractor bids, the price was low enough that I’m confident we […]

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House #3: Second Chance House

August 10, 2008

I mentioned the Second Chance house in a post from last week. Well, the day after I wrote that post, I received a counter-offer from the bank for $1000 higher than my bid; considering this counter-offer was still $13,000 less than my original bid two weeks ago, I immediately accepted, and now have House #3 […]

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