From the category archives:

House #3 – SOLD

Update for 1/16/2009

January 17, 2009

Here’s a general update on what’s going on with the houses and the business… House #1: The Corn House Nothing much new here…we just hit 90 days on the market (still less than average DOM for this area), and haven’t had too many showing outside of the first weekend. My wife, brother and I have […]

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House #3: Open Houses

January 12, 2009

The Second Chance House went on the market last weekend, and by all appearances, the timing was pretty good. It seems that this weekend (just ended) was huge for Open Houses. In fact, many of the near $1M homes in my subdivision that have been on the market since we moved here (8 months ago) […]

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House #3: Rehab Costs

December 24, 2008

Now that The Second Chance House is ready to be put on the market, I decided to do my final accounting to determine how much I’ve spent rehabbing this property. I’ve been tracking my budget closely the entire project (of course), but until the past few days, it was unclear if I’d come in under […]

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House #3: Rehab Complete

December 22, 2008

Just a quick post this evening, as it’s been a LONG weekend trying to finish up The Second Chance House… After three 10-hour days, we completed our final punch list, got our staging furniture delivered and completing the staging. We have inspections scheduled for Monday morning to hopefully get our CO (Certificate of Occupancy), which […]

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Update for 12/19/2008

December 19, 2008

Struggling with the flu, so I’ll just summarize the week with a general update… House #1: The Corn House We’ve decided to wait until after the new year to start marketing this property a lot harder. Luckily (or unluckily), we’ve purchased and rehabbed this property with all our own cash, so our monthly holding costs […]

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Update for 12/12/2008

December 12, 2008

A quick update before the weekend… House #1: The Corn House The Corn House is still on the market — 50 days and counting. While I’m not too terribly surprised (like I’ve mentioned before, it was my first purchase and I’ve learned a lot since then), it’s a little disappointing to have such a nice […]

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House #3: Down to the Wire

December 10, 2008

We’re finally pulling into the home stretch on The Second Chance House. We’re several weeks behind schedule (which I’m not happy about), but we’re on-budget and the quality of workmanship has been top-notch. In the past week, we have put the first few coats of stain on the hardwood floors, installed the cabinets and countertops, […]

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House #3: Week 8 Update

November 21, 2008

It’s been a while since I posted an update on The Second Chance House. This isn’t because there’s been nothing interesting going on with that rehab…just more to do with all the activity around the other projects… Here is an update: As you can see from the title of this post, we’re into week #8 […]

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House #3: Exterior Complete

November 10, 2008

We’re already a little behind schedule on The Second Chance House, but we’re making steady progress. Inside, all the rough plumbing, HVAC, and electrical is complete, along with all the new framing that needed to completed for the floorplan redesign. Last week, we pass all rough inspections and our framing inspection, and this week we’ll […]

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Update for 10/22/2008

October 22, 2008

Now that I’m down to rehabbing a single house for the first time in over a month (The Bulge House sale just closed and The Corn House is now on the market), things feel very slow. I’ve decided to use much of the past two days to look at new houses on the market, focus […]

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